BORK00DEU Site Information Form (site log v2.0)
     International GNSS Service
     See Instructions at:

0.   Form

     Prepared by (full name)  : GOW Operator (
     Date Prepared            : 2023-06-01
     Report Type              : UPDATE
     If Update:
      Previous Site Log       : bork00deu_20230511.log
      Modified/Added Sections : 11

1.   Site Identification of the GNSS Monument

     Site Name                : Borkum
     Nine Character ID        : BORK00DEU
     Monument Inscription     : 674
     IERS DOMES Number        : 14268M001
     CDP Number               : (A4)
     Monument Description     : CIRCULAR STEEL TUBE MOUNT
       Height of the Monument : 1.5 m
       Monument Foundation    : SCREW ANCHORED ON WALL OF BUILDING
       Foundation Depth       : (m)
     Marker Description       : RIVET THREAD ON THE CIRCULAR STEEL TUBE
     Date Installed           : 2000-09-29T00:00Z
     Geologic Characteristic  : CENOZOIC QUATERNARY
       Bedrock Type           : (IGNEOUS/METAMORPHIC/SEDIMENTARY)
       Bedrock Condition      : (FRESH/JOINTED/WEATHERED)
       Fracture Spacing       : (0 cm/1-10 cm/11-50 cm/51-200 cm/over 200 cm)
       Fault zones nearby     : NO
         Distance/activity    : (multiple lines)
     Additional Information   : Antenna mounted with a special
                              : tribrach on a rivet thread of a
                              : circular tube of steel, 1.5 m
                              : length. Fixed on the gable of
                              : a building (WSA Emden), 10.0 m
                              : above the ground. Marked in 1999.

2.   Site Location Information

     City or Town             : Borkum
     State or Province        : Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)
     Country or Region        : DEU
     Tectonic Plate           : EURASIAN
     Approximate Position (ITRF)
       X coordinate (m)       : 3770134.807
       Y coordinate (m)       : 446054.238
       Z coordinate (m)       : 5108090.925
       Latitude (N is +)      : +533349.10
       Longitude (E is +)     : +0064450.79
       Elevation (m,ellips.)  : 54.2
     Additional Information   : Mentioned ETRF89 epoch 89.0
                              : coordinates are derived from
                              : the network adjustment of the
                              : Tide Gauge GPS campaign PEGEL99.
                              : The elevation refers to the
                              : surface of the tube.
                              : Island in the Northsea.

3.   GNSS Receiver Information

3.1  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE 4000SSI
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 3752A21439
     Firmware Version         : 7.29
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2000-09-29T00:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2000-11-09T09:30Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : none
     Additional Information   : Firmware removed because of
                              : the 12-channel TRIMBLE 4000SSI
                              : problems, announced on
                              : 04-FEB-2000 via CANSPACE by Mike
                              : Jackson from UNAVCO.

3.2  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE 4000SSI
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 3752A21439
     Firmware Version         : 7.19
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2000-11-09T09:30Z
     Date Removed             : 2001-04-18T14:00Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : none
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.3  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE 4700
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 0220219865
     Firmware Version         : 00130|00000|00100
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2001-04-18T14:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2005-01-13T11:05Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : none
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.4  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE 4700
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 0220219865
     Firmware Version         : 00141|00000|00100
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2005-01-13T11:05Z
     Date Removed             : 2007-06-04
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : none
     Additional Information   : Firmware update

3.x  Receiver Type            : (A20, from; see instructions)
     Satellite System         : (GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+IRNSS+SBAS)
     Serial Number            : (A20, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX)
     Firmware Version         : (A11)
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : (deg)
     Date Installed           : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Date Removed             : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (none or tolerance in degrees C)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

4.   GNSS Antenna Information

4.1  Antenna Type             : TRM29659.00     SNOW
     Serial Number            : 0220187547
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0540
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : SNOW
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : RG 214
     Antenna Cable Length     : 30 m
     Date Installed           : 2000-09-29T00:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2001-10-11T00:00Z
     Additional Information   : Antenna calibrated, IGS conform,
                              : by LGN.
                              : Antenna type calibrated
                              : absolute, field measurements,
                              : by Geo++ GmbH, Garbsen.
                              : PCV are available at 11.
                              : Trimble Antenna TRM29659.00
                              : with white conical Ashtech
                              : Radome SNOW.

4.2  Antenna Type             : TRM29659.00     SNOW
     Serial Number            : 0220187547
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0530
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : SNOW
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : RG 214
     Antenna Cable Length     : 30 m
     Date Installed           : 2001-10-11T00:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2003-06-02T12:20Z
     Additional Information   : New measurement with higher
                              : accuracy led to the change of
                              : the antenna height by 1 mm.
                              : There was no variation of the
                              : antenna itself.
                              : L2 interferences of the TRM29659.00
                              : SNOW have produced decreasing data
                              : quantities below 15 degree elevation
                              : since 2003-03-19.

4.3  Antenna Type             : TRM33429.20+GP  NONE
     Serial Number            : 0220226150
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0530
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : NONE
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : RG 214
     Antenna Cable Length     : 30 m
     Date Installed           : 2003-06-02T12:21Z
     Date Removed             : 2003-07-01T09:00Z
     Additional Information   : Antenna individual calibrated
                              : absolute, field measurements,
                              : by Geo++ GmbH, Garbsen.

4.4  Antenna Type             : TRM29659.00     SNOW
     Serial Number            : 0220180416
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0530
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : SNOW
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : RG 214
     Antenna Cable Length     : 30 m
     Date Installed           : 2003-07-01T10:02Z
     Date Removed             : 2007-06-04
     Additional Information   : Antenna individual calibrated
                              : absolute, field measurements,
                              : by Institut fuer Erdmessung IfE,
                              : University of Hannover, PCV are
                              : available at 11.

4.x  Antenna Type             : (A20, from; see instructions)
     Serial Number            : (A*, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX)
     Antenna Reference Point  : (BPA/BCR/XXX from "antenna.gra"; see instr.)
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  : (F8.4)
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : (F8.4)
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  : (F8.4)
     Alignment from True N    : (deg; + is clockwise/east)
     Antenna Radome Type      : (A4 from; see instructions)
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : (vendor & type number)
     Antenna Cable Length     : (m)
     Date Installed           : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Date Removed             : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

5.   Surveyed Local Ties

5.x  Tied Marker Name         : 
     Tied Marker Usage        : (SLR/VLBI/LOCAL CONTROL/FOOTPRINT/etc)
     Tied Marker CDP Number   : (A4)
     Tied Marker DOMES Number : (A9)
     Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS)
       dx (m)                 : (m)
       dy (m)                 : (m)
       dz (m)                 : (m)
     Accuracy (mm)            : (mm)
     Survey method            : (GPS CAMPAIGN/TRILATERATION/TRIANGULATION/etc)
     Date Measured            : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

6.   Frequency Standard

6.1  Standard Type            : INTERNAL
       Input Frequency        : (if external)
       Effective Dates        : 2000-09-29/CCYY-MM-DD
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

6.x  Standard Type            : (INTERNAL or EXTERNAL H-MASER/CESIUM/etc)
       Input Frequency        : (if external)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

7.   Collocation Information

7.x  Instrumentation Type     : (GPS/GLONASS/DORIS/PRARE/SLR/VLBI/TIME/etc)
       Status                 : (PERMANENT/MOBILE)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.   Meteorological Instrumentation

8.1.x  Humidity Sensor Model  : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy (% rel h)     : (% rel h)
       Aspiration             : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.2.x  Pressure Sensor Model  : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy               : (hPa)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.3.x  Temp. Sensor Model     : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy               : (deg C)
       Aspiration             : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.4.x  Water Vapor Radiometer : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Distance to Antenna    : (m)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.5.x  Other Instrumentation  : (multiple lines)

9.   Local Ongoing Conditions Possibly Affecting Computed Position

9.1.x  Radio Interferences    : (TV/CELL PHONE ANTENNA/RADAR/etc)
       Observed Degradations  : (SN RATIO/DATA GAPS/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

9.2.x  Multipath Sources      : (METAL ROOF/DOME/VLBI ANTENNA/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

9.3.x  Signal Obstructions    : (TREES/BUILDINGS/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

10.  Local Episodic Effects Possibly Affecting Data Quality

10.x  Date                    : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
      Event                   : (TREE CLEARING/CONSTRUCTION/etc)

11.  On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information

     Agency                   : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
                              : Department of Geodaesie
     Preferred Abbreviation   : BKG
     Mailing Address          : Richard-Strauss-Allee 11
                              : D-60598 Frankfurt a.M.
                              : Germany
     Primary Contact
       Contact Name           : GOW Operator
       Telephone (primary)    : +49 9941 6030
       Telephone (secondary)  : +49 9941 603122
       Fax                    : +49 9941 603222
       E-mail                 :
     Secondary Contact
       Contact Name           : BKG GNSS Data Center
       Telephone (primary)    : +49 69 6333274
       Telephone (secondary)  : +49 69 63331
       Fax                    : +49 69 6333425
       E-mail                 :
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

12.  Responsible Agency (if different from 11.)

     Agency                   : (multiple lines)
     Preferred Abbreviation   : (A10)
     Mailing Address          : (multiple lines)
     Primary Contact
       Contact Name           : 
       Telephone (primary)    : 
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : 
       E-mail                 : 
     Secondary Contact
       Contact Name           : 
       Telephone (primary)    : 
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : 
       E-mail                 : 
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

13.  More Information

     Primary Data Center      : BKG
     Secondary Data Center    : BEV
     URL for More Information : 
     Hardcopy on File
       Site Map               : (Y or URL)
       Site Diagram           : (Y or URL)
       Horizon Mask           : (Y or URL)
       Monument Description   : Y
       Site Pictures          : Y
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)
     Antenna Graphics with Dimensions


Pictures for most of the antennas given here are available at the
NGS on the WWW page:

The L1 and L2 antenna phase center offsets given in these drawings
here are manufacturer values and should not be used anymore. The
official IGS set of mean offsets and elevation-dependent phase center
variations are given in the file IGS_01.PCV.

with white concical Ashtech Dome SNOW
from 2000-09-29 until 2003-06-02

                     /     +     \                        <--  0.128  L2
                    |      +      |                       <--  0.110  L1
  +--------------------------------------------------+    <--  0.102  TCR
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
+-+--------------------------------------------------+-+  <--  0.038
+-------------------+-------------+--------------------+  <--  0.035  BCR
                    |             |
                   =|             |
                    +------x------+                       <--  0.000  BPA=ARP

<--                      0.381                       -->

without Dome
from 2003-06-02 until 2003-07-01

                       ----+----                          <--  0.0740  L1
                    /      +      \                       <--  0.0703  L2
++----------------+-----------------+-----------------++  <--  0.0631  TGP
++---------------+-------------------+----------------++  <--  0.0596  BGP
                 |                   |
                 |                   |
                  |                 |
                   +-------x-------+                      <--  0.000  ARP=BPA

 <--                     0.4668                     -->        INNER EDGE
<--                      0.4826                      -->       OUTER EDGE

   ARP: Antenna Reference Point
   L1 : L1 Phase Center                   L2 : L2 Phase Center
   TCR: Top of Chokering                  BCR: Bottom of Chokering
   TGP: Top of Ground Plane               BGP: Bottom of Ground Plane
   TPA: Top of Preamplifier               BPA: Bottom of Preamplifier
   TOP: Top of Pole

with white concical Ashtech Dome SNOW
from 2003-07-01

                     /     +     \                        <--  0.128  L2
                    |      +      |                       <--  0.110  L1
  +--------------------------------------------------+    <--  0.102  TCR
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
+-+--------------------------------------------------+-+  <--  0.038
+-------------------+-------------+--------------------+  <--  0.035  BCR
                    |             |
                   =|             |
                    +------x------+                       <--  0.000  BPA=ARP

<--                      0.381                       -->

   ARP: Antenna Reference Point
   L1 : L1 Phase Center                   L2 : L2 Phase Center
   TCR: Top of Chokering                  BCR: Bottom of Chokering
   TGP: Top of Ground Plane               BGP: Bottom of Ground Plane