BOR100POL Site Information Form (site log v2.0)
     International GNSS Service
     See Instructions at:

0.   Form

     Prepared by (full name)  : Piotr Michalek
     Date Prepared            : 2022-04-25
     Report Type              : UPDATE
     If Update:
      Previous Site Log       : bor100pol_20200918.log
      Modified/Added Sections : 11

1.   Site Identification of the GNSS Monument

     Site Name                : BOROWIEC
     Nine Character ID        : BOR100POL
     Monument Inscription     : stable geodynamical pillar on the roof
     IERS DOMES Number        : 12205M002
     CDP Number               : (A4)
     Monument Description     : PILLAR
       Height of the Monument : (m)
       Monument Foundation    : ROOF
       Foundation Depth       : (m)
     Marker Description       : BRASS SCREW
     Date Installed           : 1994-01-01
     Geologic Characteristic  : CLAY
       Bedrock Type           : SEDIMENTARY
       Bedrock Condition      : JOINTED
       Fracture Spacing       : 1-10 cm
       Fault zones nearby     : Teisseyre
         Distance/activity    : (multiple lines)
     Additional Information   : point of POLREF, EPOCH-92, CERGOP, point
                              : of geodyn. network SAGET & EXTENDED SAGET

2.   Site Location Information

     City or Town             : Borowiec
     State or Province        : Wielkopolska
     Country or Region        : POL
     Tectonic Plate           : EURASIAN
     Approximate Position (ITRF)
       X coordinate (m)       : 3738358.833
       Y coordinate (m)       : 1148173.963
       Z coordinate (m)       : 5021816.113
       Latitude (N is +)      : +521637.04
       Longitude (E is +)     : +0170424.45
       Elevation (m,ellips.)  : 124.9
     Additional Information   : Near KORNIK & POZNAN

3.   GNSS Receiver Information

3.1  Receiver Type            : ROGUE SNR-8000
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 00196
     Firmware Version         : 2.8
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 10 deg
     Date Installed           : 1994-01-10
     Date Removed             : 1999-08-22T00:00Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 4.0
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.2  Receiver Type            : ROGUE SNR-8000
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : T196
     Firmware Version         :
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 4 deg
     Date Installed           : 1999-08-27T18:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2002-03-05T23:24Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 4.0
     Additional Information   : correction of the Receiver Number Style
                              : from S/N 196 to T-196 was made on
                              : 31 May 2001

3.3  Receiver Type            : ROGUE SNR-8000
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : T196
     Firmware Version         :
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 4 deg
     Date Installed           : 2002-03-06T00:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2007-07-07T23:59Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 4.0
     Additional Information   : firmware upgrade

3.4  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETRS
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 4623116529
     Firmware Version         : 1.1-3
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 4 deg
     Date Installed           : 2007-07-08T00:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2008-03-06T13:00Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 2.0
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.5  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETRS
     Satellite System         : GPS
     Serial Number            : 4623116529
     Firmware Version         : 1.2-0  Apr 26 2007
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 4 deg
     Date Installed           : 2008-03-06T13:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2016-10-05T09:47Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 2.0
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.6  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETR9
     Satellite System         : GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+SBAS
     Serial Number            : 5420R48510
     Firmware Version         : 5.14
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2016-10-05T11:00Z
     Date Removed             : 2017-02-21T09:30Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 2.0
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.7  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETR9
     Satellite System         : GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+SBAS
     Serial Number            : 5420R48510
     Firmware Version         : 5.20
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2017-02-21T09:30Z
     Date Removed             : 2018-12-28T16:30Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (deg C) +/- 2.0
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.8  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETR9
     Satellite System         : GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+SBAS
     Serial Number            : 5420R48510
     Firmware Version         : 5.37
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2018-12-28T16:40Z
     Date Removed             : 2020-09-18T10:20Z
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : 2.0 +/- (deg C)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.9  Receiver Type            : TRIMBLE NETR9
     Satellite System         : GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+SBAS
     Serial Number            : 5420R48510
     Firmware Version         : 5.45
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : 0 deg
     Date Installed           : 2020-09-18T10:20Z
     Date Removed             : CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : 2.0 +/- (deg C)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

3.x  Receiver Type            : (A20, from; see instructions)
     Satellite System         : (GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+IRNSS+SBAS)
     Serial Number            : (A20, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX)
     Firmware Version         : (A11)
     Elevation Cutoff Setting : (deg)
     Date Installed           : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Date Removed             : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Temperature Stabiliz.    : (none or tolerance in degrees C)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

4.   GNSS Antenna Information

4.1  Antenna Type             : AOAD/M_T        NONE
     Serial Number            : 00271
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0621
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : NONE
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : AOA 7490045
     Antenna Cable Length     : 10 m
     Date Installed           : 1994-01-10
     Date Removed             : 1999-05-31T18:10Z
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

4.2  Antenna Type             : AOAD/M_T        NONE
     Serial Number            : 418
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0624
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : NONE
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : AOA 7490045
     Antenna Cable Length     : 10 m
     Date Installed           : 1999-05-31T18:40Z
     Date Removed             : 2016-10-05T09:47Z
     Additional Information   : Model 7490582-2
                              : correction of the Antenna Number Style
                              : from S/N 418 to 418 was made on
                              : 31 May 2001

4.3  Antenna Type             : TRM59800.00     NONE
     Serial Number            : 5421355014
     Antenna Reference Point  : BPA
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  :   0.0622
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) :   0.0000
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  :   0.0000
     Alignment from True N    : 0 deg
     Antenna Radome Type      : NONE
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : AOA 7490045
     Antenna Cable Length     : 10 m
     Date Installed           : 2016-10-05T11:00Z
     Date Removed             : CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

4.x  Antenna Type             : (A20, from; see instructions)
     Serial Number            : (A*, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX)
     Antenna Reference Point  : (BPA/BCR/XXX from "antenna.gra"; see instr.)
     Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m)  : (F8.4)
     Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : (F8.4)
     Marker->ARP East Ecc(m)  : (F8.4)
     Alignment from True N    : (deg; + is clockwise/east)
     Antenna Radome Type      : (A4 from; see instructions)
     Radome Serial Number     : 
     Antenna Cable Type       : (vendor & type number)
     Antenna Cable Length     : (m)
     Date Installed           : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Date Removed             : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

5.   Surveyed Local Ties

5.1  Tied Marker Name         : EUREF 216
     Tied Marker Usage        : LOCAL CONTROL, SPECIAL CAMPAIGNS
     Tied Marker CDP Number   : (A4)
     Tied Marker DOMES Number : 12205M001
     Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS)
       dx (m)                 : 38.388 m
       dy (m)                 : 112.238 m
       dz (m)                 : -63.394 m
     Accuracy (mm)            : 3 mm
     Survey method            : GPS CAMPAIGN
     Date Measured            : 1994-01-10
     Additional Information   : campaigns
                              : EUREF-POL'92, BSL-93, POLREF.

5.2  Tied Marker Name         : BORL
     Tied Marker Usage        : SLR
     Tied Marker CDP Number   : 7811
     Tied Marker DOMES Number : 12205S001
     Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS)
       dx (m)                 : -25.767 m
       dy (m)                 : 72.908 m
       dz (m)                 : 0.324 m
     Accuracy (mm)            : 3 mm
     Survey method            : GPS CAMPAIGN
     Date Measured            : 1994-01-10
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

5.x  Tied Marker Name         : 
     Tied Marker Usage        : (SLR/VLBI/LOCAL CONTROL/FOOTPRINT/etc)
     Tied Marker CDP Number   : (A4)
     Tied Marker DOMES Number : (A9)
     Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS)
       dx (m)                 : (m)
       dy (m)                 : (m)
       dz (m)                 : (m)
     Accuracy (mm)            : (mm)
     Survey method            : (GPS CAMPAIGN/TRILATERATION/TRIANGULATION/etc)
     Date Measured            : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ)
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

6.   Frequency Standard

6.1  Standard Type            : EXTERNAL CESIUM
       Input Frequency        : 5 MHz
       Effective Dates        : 1994-01-10/2001-11-28
       Notes                  : Oscilloquartz EUDICS 302

6.2  Standard Type            : INTERNAL
       Input Frequency        : (if external)
       Effective Dates        : 2001-11-29/2001-12-02
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

6.3  Standard Type            : EXTERNAL CESIUM
       Input Frequency        : 5 MHz
       Effective Dates        : 2001-12-03/2007-07-07
       Notes                  : AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES 5071 A opt 001

6.4  Standard Type            : INTERNAL
       Input Frequency        : (if external)
       Effective Dates        : 2007-07-08/2016-10-05
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

6.5  Standard Type            : EXTERNAL H-MASER
       Input Frequency        : 5 MHz
       Effective Dates        : 2016-10-05/CCYY-MM-DD
       Notes                  : KVARZ CH1-75A

6.x  Standard Type            : (INTERNAL or EXTERNAL H-MASER/CESIUM/etc)
       Input Frequency        : (if external)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

7.   Collocation Information

7.x  Instrumentation Type     : (GPS/GLONASS/DORIS/PRARE/SLR/VLBI/TIME/etc)
       Status                 : (PERMANENT/MOBILE)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.   Meteorological Instrumentation

8.1.1  Humidity Sensor Model  : HPTL.3A
       Manufacturer           : NAVI Ltd.,Sporna 11, PL 61-709 POZNAN
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval :  1800 sec
       Accuracy (% rel h)     : 3 % rel h
       Aspiration             : UNASPIRATED
       Height Diff to Ant     : -4 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 1995-01-01/2002-12-31
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.1.2  Humidity Sensor Model  : HPTL.3A
       Manufacturer           : NAVI Ltd.,Promienista 5/1, PL 60-288 POZNAN
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval :   600 sec
       Accuracy (% rel h)     : 3 % rel h
       Aspiration             : UNASPIRATED
       Height Diff to Ant     : 0 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 2007-07-01/CCYY-MM-DD
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.1.x  Humidity Sensor Model  : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy (% rel h)     : (% rel h)
       Aspiration             : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.2.1  Pressure Sensor Model  : HPTL.3A
       Manufacturer           : NAVI Ltd.,Sporna 11, PL 61-709 POZNAN
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : 1800 sec
       Accuracy               : 0.25 hPa
       Height Diff to Ant     : -4 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 1995-01-01/2002-12-31
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.2.2  Pressure Sensor Model  : SKPS 800/I
       Manufacturer           : Skye Instruments Ltd.
       Serial Number          : 31052
       Data Sampling Interval : 600 sec
       Accuracy               : 0.25 hPa
       Height Diff to Ant     : 0 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 2007-07-01/CCYY-MM-DD
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.2.x  Pressure Sensor Model  : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy               : (hPa)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.3.1  Temp. Sensor Model     : HPTL.3A
       Manufacturer           : NAVI Ltd.,Sporna 11, PL 61-709 POZNAN
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : 1800 sec
       Accuracy               : (deg C)
       Aspiration             : UNASPIRATED
       Height Diff to Ant     : -4 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 1995-01-01/2002-12-31
       Notes                  : 5% in full temperature range

8.3.2  Temp. Sensor Model     : HPTL.3A
       Manufacturer           : NAVI Ltd.,Promienista 5/1, PL 60-288 POZNAN
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : 600 sec
       Accuracy               : (deg C)
       Aspiration             : UNASPIRATED
       Height Diff to Ant     : 0 m
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : 2007-07-01/CCYY-MM-DD
       Notes                  : 5% in full temperature range

8.3.x  Temp. Sensor Model     : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Data Sampling Interval : (sec)
       Accuracy               : (deg C)
       Aspiration             : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.4.x  Water Vapor Radiometer : 
       Manufacturer           : 
       Serial Number          : 
       Distance to Antenna    : (m)
       Height Diff to Ant     : (m)
       Calibration date       : (CCYY-MM-DD)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Notes                  : (multiple lines)

8.5.1  Other Instrumentation  : Raingauge
                              : ARG 10/STD
                              : Manufacturer -> Skye Instruments Ltd
                              : Serial Number -> 61834
                              : Distance to Antenna -> 12
                              : Height Diff to Ant -> 7
                              : Effective Dates -> 2007-07-01/CCYY-MM-DD

8.5.x  Other Instrumentation  : (multiple lines)

9.   Local Ongoing Conditions Possibly Affecting Computed Position

9.1.1  Radio Interferences    : CELL PHONE RELAY, RADAR
       Observed Degradations  : SN RATIO/DATA GAPS
       Effective Dates        : 1998-02-01/1999-05-31
       Additional Information : more details: Fraczyk P. et al. in
                              : Artificial Satellites, Vol.33, No2 1998,
                              : pp.109-115.
                              : reduced by the new antenna replacing
                              : (see 4.2)

9.1.x  Radio Interferences    : (TV/CELL PHONE ANTENNA/RADAR/etc)
       Observed Degradations  : (SN RATIO/DATA GAPS/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

9.2.x  Multipath Sources      : (METAL ROOF/DOME/VLBI ANTENNA/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

9.3.x  Signal Obstructions    : (TREES/BUILDINGS/etc)
       Effective Dates        : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
       Additional Information : (multiple lines)

10.  Local Episodic Effects Possibly Affecting Data Quality

10.x  Date                    : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD)
      Event                   : (TREE CLEARING/CONSTRUCTION/etc)

11.  On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information

     Agency                   : Astrogeodynamical Observatory
                              : Space Research Centre of the PAS
     Preferred Abbreviation   : SRCPAS
     Mailing Address          : ul. Drapalka 4
                              : 62-035 Kornik, Borowiec
                              : Poland
     Primary Contact
       Contact Name           : Piotr Michalek
       Telephone (primary)    : +48 61 817 01 87
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : +48 61 817 02 19
       E-mail                 :
     Secondary Contact
       Contact Name           : Dr. Leszek Jaworski
       Telephone (primary)    : +48 22 496 64 19
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : +48 22 840 31 31
       E-mail                 :
     Additional Information   : Mailing address of secondary contact
                              : Department of Planetary Geodesy
                              : ul. Bartycka 18A, PL 00-716 Warszawa

12.  Responsible Agency (if different from 11.)

     Agency                   : (multiple lines)
     Preferred Abbreviation   : (A10)
     Mailing Address          : (multiple lines)
     Primary Contact
       Contact Name           : 
       Telephone (primary)    : 
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : 
       E-mail                 : 
     Secondary Contact
       Contact Name           : 
       Telephone (primary)    : 
       Telephone (secondary)  : 
       Fax                    : 
       E-mail                 : 
     Additional Information   : (multiple lines)

13.  More Information

     Primary Data Center      : BKG
     Secondary Data Center    : BEV
     URL for More Information :
     Hardcopy on File
       Site Map               : (Y or URL)
       Site Diagram           : (Y or URL)
       Horizon Mask           : X
       Monument Description   : X
       Site Pictures          : X
     Additional Information   : X
     Antenna Graphics with Dimensions


                     /     +     \                        <-- 0.128 L2
                    |      +      |                       <-- 0.110 L1
  +--------------------------------------------------+    <-- 0.102 TCR
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
  |                                                  |
+-+--------------------------------------------------+-+  <-- 0.038
+-------------------+-------------+--------------------+  <-- 0.035 BCR
                    |             |
                   =|             |
                    +------x------+                       <-- 0.000 BPA

<--                      0.381                       -->

ARP: Antenna Reference Point