Web Site History
This page summarizes changes to the EPN web site during the five last years,
excluding the automated information updating.
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all the changes between 2000 and 2020.
12-Apr-2024 | Added transformations from and to ETRF2020 for the ETRF/ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool. |
31-Jul-2023 | The Guidelines for the EPN Analysis Centres have been updated: update of processing options (e.g., troposphere mapping functions, receiver antenna misalignments toward north, mixing of antenna phase centre corrections between systems not permitted), long filenames for EPN AC products and troposphere rapid solutions recommended. |
10-May-2023 | The EPN Central Bureau (EPN CB) offers some web services through RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) that allows to interact with EPN CB purely as data or information which can be downloaded or searched via HTTP(S) requests. |
27-Apr-2023 | Update of Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station. Harmonisation with the new version of M3G and some links updated. |
25-Apr-2023 | Update of Guidelines for EPN Data Centres and EPN Broadcaters. Full replacement of OLG by BEV in the text. Added EPN products to the data flow. Added specifications on the real-time product format. Added specifications to trace operations on RINEX data at data centres. Correction of Fig.1 and Fig. 2. |
29-Nov-2022 | The minutes of the 12th EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (online, November 03-07, 2022) have been added. |
30-Aug-2022 | Update of Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station. Added clarification in Section 6. New sections 7 and 8. Introduction of web form to generate EPN commitment letter. |
29-Aug-2022 | Release of V2.0 of ETRF/ITRF Coordinate Transformation Tool (ECTT) with reduced intermediate coordinate transformations. V2.0 includes now also transformations from and to ITRF2020. |
24-Aug-2022 | The new web page Propose a new EPN station provides information on how to provide a station for the EPN. |
18-May-2022 | The Guidelines for the EPN Analysis Centres have been updated. BEV RDC has been added as EPN product centre. |
22-Mar-2022 | The Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres have been updated. |
03-Feb-2022 | The mailing lists web pages and ftp server have been adapted to respect the GDPR rules. |
13-Dec-2021 | Information about the RINEX v.4.00 added to the RINEX format page. |
16-Jul-2021 | Error reporting, comment and rating are now available from (and for) each web page. |
26-May-2021 | Update of Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station. |
25-Feb-2021 | The new EPN Densification Product Portal is available from the menu item "PRODUCTS & SERVICES". |
17-Nov-2020 | The EPN site pictures have to be managed using the M3G system. |
27-Mar-2020 | Update of the page Proposed Stations to only display relevant information. |
18-Nov-2019 | The Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres have been updated. |
13-Nov-2019 | The minutes of the 11th EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (Warsaw, Poland, October 16-17, 2019) have been added. |
09-Aug-2019 | Update of reference to EPN CB paper in the home page. |
08-May-2019 | Update of FAQ. |
08-May-2019 | Update of Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station. |
08-May-2019 | Update of web page Site Log File Check. |
01-Mar-2019 | The new site log file check tool is available for any guest and has been added to the menu item "NETWORK & DATA". |
30-Nov-2018 | EPN CB data quality checks switched to G-nut/Anubis 2.2.1. |
28-Aug-2018 | New operational centres web page. |
12-Jul-2018 | Combination strategy of EPN Analysis Centres coordinate solutions updated. |
23-May-2018 | New multi-GNSS comparisons of EPN station data quality. |
23-Mar-2018 | Additional information about the data quality monthly snapshots (e.g. ACOR). |
22-Feb-2018 | The new site log submission tool (M3G) is available for selected OC and has been added to the menu item "NETWORK & DATA". |
02-Jan-2018 | ETRF2014/IGS14 coordinates/velocities issued by EUREF added to the individual station coordinates web page (e.g. ACOR00ESP) from GPSweek 1950. |
10-Nov-2017 | Add transformations from and to ITRF2014 and ETRF2014 in ETRF/ITRF Transformation |
31-Oct-2017 | The minutes of the 10th EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (Brussels, Belgium, October 25-26, 2017) have been added. |
11-May-2017 | New multi-GNSS monthly snapshots of satellite tracking |
07-Apr-2017 | Inclusion of updated tropospheric products |
03-Apr-2017 | Inclusion of updated multi-year EPN position & velocity solution |
31-Mar-2017 | Dual frequency tracking info added to the Station List, Proposed Stations and Data Quality web pages |
03-Jan-2017 | New URL for the EPN CB web site : http://www.epncb.eu. |
30-Nov-2016 | Brand new EPN CB web site. |
14-Apr-2016 | Official ITRF2014 coordinates/velocities issued by the IERS added to the individual station coordinates web page (e.g. ACOR00ESP). |
02-Feb-2016 | New page showing the actual EPN tracking status based on the availability of daily, hourly or real-time observation data. |
29-Jan-2016 | Real-time web page updated. |
22-Jan-2016 | New page about the status of the real-time products & data streams. |
27-Oct-2015 | The minutes of the ninth EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (Bern, Switzerland, October 14-15, 2015) have been added. |
26-Oct-2015 | The Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres have been updated. |
17-Mar-2015 | The guidelines for the EPN Data Centres & EPN Broadcasters have been updated. |
12-Mar-2015 | "GNSS Data" section modified in the individual station web pages (e.g. BRUX). |
19-Jan-2015 | RINEX3 long station names included in the station list web page. |
06-Jan-2015 | Revision of the Tropospheric Products web page. |
06-Aug-2014 | Organisation menu revisited and restructured. |
11-Mar-2014 | Information about the relation to EUMETNET has been added to the Projetcs web page. |
18-Dec-2013 | The Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station has been updated. |
19-Nov-2013 | The guidelines for the EPN local analysis centres have been updated. |
03-Jun-2013 | The minutes of the eighth EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (Brussel, Belgium, May 15-16, 2013) have been added. |
28-May-2013 | The Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres have been updated. |
28-May-2013 | The Guidelines for EUREF Densifications have been updated. |
28-May-2013 | Karolina Szafranek replaces Heinz habrich as Analysis Centres Coordinator. |
16-Apr-2013 | Update of the EPN related papers. |
11-Apr-2013 | The IGS realization IGb08 has been added to the individual coordinates web page. e.g. MATE |
01-Mar-2013 | EPN LAC workshop 2013 web pages hosted by the EPN CB. |
17-Jan-2013 | The Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station has been updated. |
31-Oct-2012 | REPRO1 information added to Coordinates. |
31-Oct-2012 | REPRO1 information added to Position time series. |
31-Oct-2012 | RINEX V3 information added to the individual station web pages (e.g. BRUX). |
22-Aug-2012 | Individual position time series web page upaded. e.g. MEDI |
09-May-2012 | EPN web site restructured. |
04-Apr-2012 | The troposphere results of the first EPN reprocessing (EPN REPRO 1) are included into the ZPD and ZPD biases time series plots. |
21-Mar-2012 | Individual antenna calibrations added to the individual station web pages (e.g. WTZR). |
01-Feb-2012 | REPRO1 information added to Weekly EUREF solution. |
05-Dec-2011 | The Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station has been updated. |
25-Oct-2011 | Station pictures associated to the site log sections (e.g. WROC). |
25-Oct-2011 | New web-based Site Picture Submission tool. |
13-Sep-2011 | The IGS coordinates are published (e.g. BRUS). |
08-Jun-2011 | New EPN Local Analysis Center at RGA |
18-Apr-2011 | The IGS08 reference frame has been introduced for the combined EPN solution. |
23-Nov-2010 | The minutes of the seventh EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop (Warsasw, Poland, November 18-19, 2010) have been added. |
28-Oct-2010 | Update of the EPN related papers. |
16-Aug-2010 | The official national ETRF coordinates are published (e.g. MAR6). |
13-Aug-2010 | Update of the EPN related papers (EUREF Publications No. 16 and 17). |
25-May-2010 | The Tracking Network web pages have been udated: maps and lists have been merged to give more information in one time in one place. |
18-May-2010 | Web-based ETRS89/ITRS transformation tool updated (frames added). |
18-May-2010 | Proposed stations web page updated in order to reflect the updated guidelines. |
18-May-2010 | The guidelines for EUREF Densifications have been updated. |
17-Mar-2010 | The guidelines for the EPN stations and operational centres have been updated. |
17-Mar-2010 | The guidelines for the EPN local analysis centres have been updated. |
21-Jan-2010 | Individual calibrations available without password. |
15-Jan-2010 | Criteria added to the List extracted from log files web page. |
06-Jan-2010 | New page for the formats currently used by the EUREF/IGS. |
01-Dec-2009 | New LAC : MUT. |
16-Nov-2009 | New web-based ETRS89/ITRS transformation tool. |
12-Oct-2009 | Declassified pictures kept in the Station Pictures web pages (e.g. BUCU). |
02-Oct-2009 | The EPN station coordinates web page has been updated. |
08-Sep-2009 | The paper Guidelines for EUREF Densifications has been added. |
12-Aug-2009 | The paper Increasing the GNSS Stream Dissemination Capacity has been added to the EPN RT analysis web page. |
02-Jul-2009 | The new web-based Site Log Validation and Submission tool replace the mail-based site log submission and validation. |
30-Jun-2009 | Shortcuts (next meetings, last news and updated pages) have been added to the Welcome page. |
27-May-2009 | Table showing the mean latency of real-time observations has been added to the 15min High-rate RINEX web page. |
20-May-2009 | Analysis Reports web pages showing agreement of LAC solutions with EPN combined solution have been added. |
28-Apr-2009 | The EPN Reprocessing Special Project has been added to the EPN Projects web page. |
13-Mar-2009 | The cumulative EPN SINEX solutions provided by the Time Series Analysis will be updated each 5 weeks from now on. |
13-Mar-2009 | A third product (ZPD radiosonde time series) has been added to the Site Zenith Path Delays web page. |
20-Feb-2009 | The EPN Real-time Analysis Special Project has been added to the EPN Projects web page. |
06-Dec-2008 | The EPN Coordinate/Velocity web pages have been updated. |
16-Oct-2008 | The ETR89 and ITRS coordinate time series have been removed from the Time Series web page and are now included in the EPN Weekly Combined Solution web page. |
16-Oct-2008 | The Time Series Special Project took place between 2001 and 2008. From 2008, the Time Series Analysis is part of the EPN routine operations. |
24-Jul-2008 | The Troposphere Parameter Estimation Special Project took place between 2001 and 2008. From 2008, the estimation of Site Zenith Path Delays is part of the EPN routine operations. |
03-Jul-2008 | Overview of the Performance of all EPN stations. |
03-Jul-2008 | Proposed Stations web page revisited and automated in order to reflect the real inclusion criteria. |
17-Mar-2008 | The EUREF-IP Pilot Project took place between 2002 and 2007. From 2008, the Real-time Data Streams are part of the EPN GNSS data. |
17-Mar-2008 | The former web page "Data Centres" has been replaced by the page Daily & Hourly. |
17-Mar-2008 | Questions/answers added to the Frequently Asked Questions. |
14-Jan-2008 | Error bars added to Time Series plots. |
21-Dec-2007 | Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) time series added (e.g. KLOP). |
12-Oct-2007 | Interactive web pages for the hourly data latency graphics (e.g.BISK). Period and data centres can be chosen/selected. |
07-Aug-2007 | Update of the EPN related papers. EUREF Publication No. 15 (EUREF symposium held in Vienna, Austria, June 1-4 2005). |
15-May-2007 | Update of the Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres. |
11-May-2007 | Rapid EPN combined solution included in the raw time series web pages (e.g. BRUS). |
10-May-2007 | Major update of the EPN Special Project Coordinate Time Series Analysis web pages. |
08-May-2007 | Official ETRF2005 coordinates/velocities issued by the IERS added to the individual station coordinates web page (e.g. ANKR). |
27-Mar-2007 | Real-Time GNSS in Routine EPN Operations (Concept) pdf file added to the Guidelines and Recommendations web page. |
02-Mar-2007 | Link to the Guidelines for Reference Frame Fixing (Transformation formula's between successive realizations of the ETRS89 and ITRS) updated in the Station Coordinates web page. |
01-Mar-2007 | Update of the Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres. |
22-Feb-2007 | Temporary Excluded Stations web page removed. Henceforth this information is directly available from the individual site information web pages (e.g. BOGO). |
16-Feb-2007 | Former stations web page removed. Henceforth this information is available from Station list web page. |
15-Dec-2006 | Official ITRF2005 coordinates/velocities issued by the IERS added to the individual station coordinates web page (e.g. ANKR). |
08-Dec-2006 | Maps web page revisited. |
08-Dec-2006 | Proposed stations web page revisited and automated. |
05-Dec-2006 | Update of EPN Guidelines |
05-Dec-2006 | Equipment and Calibration web page revisited. |
04-Dec-2006 | Time series of the daily biases (from the troposphere parameter combination) have been added to the Data Processing section (e.g. ZECK). |
10-Nov-2006 | Mails and EUREF-IP mail web pages added. |
02-Oct-2006 | Disclaimer and Copyright web page added. |
01-Sep-2006 | The observed GLONASS data have been added to the snapshot graphics of the satellite tracking (e.g. ZECK). |
08-Aug-2006 | The individual site information web pages are revisited (e.g. BRUS). |
03-Aug-2006 | The equipment and calibration page is revisited. |
13-Jul-2006 | The EUREF-IP pilot project web page is dynamically done from the broadcasters source tables. |
24-May-2006 | New Calendar web page. |
23-May-2006 | New interactive map in the station maps web page. |
03-Apr-2006 | New plots (indicating the estimated annual periodicity) added in the cleaned time series. |
23-Mar-2006 | Added minutes of the fifth EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop, Padua, Italy, March 15-16, 2006. |
01-Feb-2006 | RINEX format description version 3.0 added to the daily and hourly data web page. |
01-Feb-2006 | Major update of the products web page. |
01-Feb-2006 | New individual station coordinates web pages. |
31-Jan-2006 | Major update of the Frequently Asked Questions. |
11-Jan-2006 | EUREF LAC Workshop 2006 announced. |
07-Nov-2005 | Major revision of the guidelines for EPN Data Centres. |
07-Nov-2005 | Major revision of the proposed stations web page. |
27-Sep-2005 | Improved time series renamed into cleaned time series. |
01-Aug-2005 | Update of the EPN related papers. |
11-Feb-2005 | Update of the Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station (section "D. Data format, Flow and Archive"). |
14-Dec-2004 | Major revision of the Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres. |
08-Sep-2004 | Update of the Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station (section "A. Procedure Summary"). |
16-Jun-2004 | Hourly Data Latency page (e.g. BRUS) added (accessible from the station information page). This plot shows the minimal latency of the hourly RINEX data files of a station at the EPN data centres. |
09-Feb-2004 | Plots added in Data Quality pages (accessible from the individual site information pages. e.g. ACOR). |
02-Dec-2003 | Major revision of the Procedure for Becoming an EPN Station. |
07-Nov-2003 | The directory structure of the EPN CB Web site has been re-arranged. Please feel free to contact EPN CB if a link on one of the web pages does not work anymore. |
02-Oct-2003 | Added minutes of the EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop, Graz, Austria, September 18-19, 2003. |
01-Oct-2003 | Added link to the Monumentation Design and Implementation Recommendations (Source: IGS) in the web page Guidelines. |
26-Aug-2003 | Added instructions for Site Log Submission. |
01-Aug-2003 | Added Hourly Data Latency (e.g. BOGI). Accessible from the station information pages. |
01-Jul-2003 | Restricted EUREF-IP forms to EPN stations only. |
23-Apr-2003 | Added Special Project EUREF-IP. |
08-Apr-2003 | Section "2.6 Switch between operational and inactive status" added in the Guidelines for EPN stations and Operational Centres web page. |
26-Mar-2003 | Plots added in the Snapshots of Satellite Tracking web page (e.g. DRES). Accessible from the station information web pages. |
14-Mar-2003 | Annoucing : Fourth EUREF Local Analysis Centres Workshop, Graz, Austria, September 18-19, 2003. |
13-Mar-2003 | Update of the Guidelines for EPN Stations and Operational Centres. |
13-Mar-2003 | Update of the Guidelines for EPN Data Centres. |
23-Dec-2002 | Papers presented at the EUREF 2002 symposium added to the Papers web page. |
03-Dec-2002 | Added Guidelines for EPN Analysis Centres. |
27-Nov-2002 | Paper by Weber G. added to the Papers web page. |
20-Nov-2002 | Paper by Soehne W. and G. Weber added to the Papers web page. |
01-Sep-2002 | New LAC : SUT. |
05-Aug-2002 | Annoucing automated site log submission email address. |
16-Jul-2002 | Added link EUREF-IP Project documentation (NTRIP), BKG,Germany. |
12-Jun-2002 | Added paper by Bruyninx et al to the Papers web page. |
12-Jun-2002 | SCIGAL Earth Science Applications using Galileo added to the Papers web page. |
03-Jun-2002 | Added ITRS and ETRS89 Time Series. |
22-May-2002 | Update of EPN guidelines (pdf files added). |
03-May-2002 | Presentation by Kenyeres A. from EGS General Assembly (Nice, France) added to the Papers web page. |
19-Apr-2002 | Presentation by Habrich H. from IGS Workshop (Ottawa, Canada) added to Papers web page. |
17-Apr-2002 | Added information about GOP data centre to the Data Centres web page. |
18-Feb-2002 | Paper by Borkowski et al (presented at the IAG 2001 symposium) added to the Papers web page. |
25-Jan-2002 | Papers by Malkin and Voinov (presented at the IGS Network Workshop 2000) and by Panafidina and Malkin (presented at the IAG 2001 symposium) added to the Papers web page. |
24-Jan-2002 | Papers by Pany et al and Stangl (presented at the EUREF 2001 symposium) to the Papers web page. |
22-Jan-2002 | Papers by Habrich, Kenyeres et al and Weber (presented at the EUREF 2001 symposium) added to the Papers web page. |
02-Jan-2002 | New LAC : SGO. |
31-Oct-2001 | Network maps added (pdf and ps format). |
29-Oct-2001 | Time Series plots added (pdf format). |
13-Sep-2001 | Special Project Troposphere Parameter Estimation added. |
02-Sep-2001 | New LAC : IGE. |
28-Aug-2001 | ETRF94, ETRF96 and ETRF2000 added. |
28-Aug-2001 | Transformation formula's between ETRS89 and ITRS (Postscript version, PDF version) added. |
24-Jul-2001 | Minutes of the third LAC Workshop added. |
20-Jun-2001 | MOPI station report added to the Papers web page. |
04-Jun-2001 | Papers by Bruyninx and Roosbeek and Takacs and Bruyninx (presented at the EUREF 2001 symposium) added to the Papers web page. |
09-Apr-2001 | Customized station summary file web page added. |
09-Apr-2001 | New web site address : www.epncb.oma.be. |
07-Feb-2001 | New LAC : DEO. |
31-Jan-2001 | Guidelines for hourly data upload added. |
21-Dec-2000 | Azimuth/elevation graphs added. |
11-Dec-2000 | EPN SP on Time series monitoring added. |
24-Nov-2000 | EPN guidelines updated. |
25-Oct-2000 | Papers Trying to understand what is happening in Madrid IGS station and Investigation on the Coordinates of the Permanent GPS station VENE (Venice) added to the Papers web page. |
23-Oct-2000 | Components information web page added. |
19-Oct-2000 | Link to the official web page (new) of the EUREF subcommission, available from the EUREF logo on each EPN web page. |
04-Oct-2000 | CSTG guidelines for The International Space Geodetic and Gravimetric Network (ISGN) added. |
26-Sep-2000 | EUREF submissions to the IERS added. |
19-Jul-2000 | EPN special projects web page added. |